Shows/News/Publicity > News/Publicity/Publication
Publicity for Rhythms of Nature at Oak & Oil Gallery, Katonah, N.Y. May 1 - June 8, 2024
Featured Artist at Oak & Oil Gallery, Katonah, N.Y., article in ARTSWESTERCHESTER. Show runs from May 21st - June 16th, Artist Reception Sat, May 21 from 5 - 8 p.m. during the Katonah Art Walk.
-Short talk on the Process of Landscape at the Generator, Ridgefield, CT 6/22/15
-Accepted into the National Association of Women Artists, NYC March 2015

-Two paintings on the Book Cover of "The Merritt Parkway, The Road that Shaped a Region," by Laurie Heiss and Jill Smyth published by History Press, 2014.
"Exit 46" a pastel and "Through the Woods," an oil.
-Westport News, "Westport Library to Hold Merritt Parkway exhibits, program, 4/25/2013
-Bookmark made by the Westport, CT library with two Merritt Parkway paintings.

-The Danbury News Times, "Merritt Parkway's 75th Anniversary Celebrated with Art," June 30th, 2013

-Ridgefield Press, Wilton Bulletin, New Canaan Advertiser, Wilton Bulletin, The Redding Pilot, The Lewisboro Ledger
"Art of the Parkway, the Merritt inspires Cindi Mullins"
Front page w/inside story with photos, Arts and Leisure April 26, 2012
-The Minute Man News Center
"Merritt Parkway-paintings by Cindi Mullins"
April 1, 2012
-The Norwalk Patch, Art & Entertainment
"Collaborations," featured artist
Lockwood-Mathews Mansion, Norwalk, CT
-Greenwich Post, Ridgefield Press, New Canaan Advertiser
April 14, 2011
Front page of Arts and Leisure Section
Photo and caption for "The Skies Above"
-Greenwich Post, Ridgefield Press, New Canaan Advertiser, May 2010
Front page photo on Arts and Leisure Section with article interior
for show "Expressions"
-Ridgefield Press (CT) Nov. 19, 2009
Stepping Out, The Gift of Art Show
at The Paul Gervais Gallery, Ridgefield
-Ridgefield Press (CT) Sept. 18, 2008
"31st Juried Exhibition to open Sunday at Guild"
-Ridgefield Press March 27th, 2008
front page photo and caption
"Ridgefield Treetop View", by Ridgefield Artist
Cindi Mullins. "Ridgefield Schoolhouse" photo on
page 3.
-Ridgefield Magazine May 2008 issue
photograph of "Ridgefield Treetop View"
Publicity for Rhythms of Nature at Oak & Oil Gallery, Katonah, N.Y. May 1 - June 8, 2024

Featured Artist at Oak & Oil Gallery, Katonah, N.Y., article in ARTSWESTERCHESTER. Show runs from May 21st - June 16th, Artist Reception Sat, May 21 from 5 - 8 p.m. during the Katonah Art Walk.

Featured Artist at Oak and Oil Gallery, article in ARTSWESTCHESTER
Show runs April 2021, Artist Reception *changed to Friday, April 9th @ 5 pm.

Traveling the Merritt Parkway, Invited, featured artist at the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Oct 2018 - Jan 2019
Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County Artist Talk, See it on You Tube here:
I will be speaking at a Walk and Talk at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists, Ridgefield, CT on Sunday, Oct 1, 2017 from 3 - 5 pm about my work at the 40th Annual Juried Show. (there will be 5 artists speaking)

"[this] prize was awarded to Cynthia Mullins for her jewel-tone work Blue, White, Aubergine and Amber, whose captivating and lusciously rendered flower petals appear to burst from the painting’s surface," Lisa Hayes Willams, Curatorial Asistant at the New Britain Museum of American Art.
Awarded 2nd Prize for "Blue, White, Aubergine and Amber," (part of "On the Verge Series") an oil over sealed watercolor at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists 40th Annual Juried Show. Juried by Lisa Hayes Williams, Curatorial Assistant at the New Britain Museum of Art. September 2017
Story in, "Second Exhibition in Healing Arts Launched," with images of three contemporary floral oil paintings. (*note- picture has been flattened so pieces are not sized correctly)
A release by the National Association of Women Artists about the show (Cynthia Mullins co-curator), "Expressive Women of NAWA."
A Path, oil on sealed paper, 8 x 12 inches, will be published in February, 2017 in Balanced Rock, The North Salem Review of Art, Photography and Literature, published by the Ruth Keeler Memorial Library. The Visual Arts Editor is Constance Sullivan, who has produced widely-acclaimed books on art and photography for major publishers including, "Landscapes of the Civil War" (Alfred A. Knopf), "Women Photographers" (Harry N. Abrams), and "Photographers at Work" (Smithsonian Institution Press).
Ridgefield Arts Council 2016 Behind the Scenes Award for work in the arts at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists.

I will be speaking at a Walk and Talk at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists, Ridgefield, CT on Sunday, May 1, 2016 from 3 - 5 pm about my work at the 6th Annual Juried Members Show. (there will be 4-5 artists speaking)

Awarded Best in Show for a group of paintings, Big Orange, Red in the Garden and Ascending at Spectrum, Natural Inspiration 2016 at the Carriage Barn Arts Center, CT. Juried by Gabriel de Guzman of Wave Hill Public Garden, Bronx, NY. April 2016
-Pictures and Article in People section of the Ridgefield Press, 4/28/2016
-Link to short article from the Ridgefield Press about the Ridgefield High School show at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists.

Featured Artist at Oak and Oil Gallery, article in ARTSWESTCHESTER
Show runs April 2021, Artist Reception *changed to Friday, April 9th @ 5 pm.

Traveling the Merritt Parkway, Invited, featured artist at the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Oct 2018 - Jan 2019
Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County Artist Talk, See it on You Tube here:
I will be speaking at a Walk and Talk at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists, Ridgefield, CT on Sunday, Oct 1, 2017 from 3 - 5 pm about my work at the 40th Annual Juried Show. (there will be 5 artists speaking)

"[this] prize was awarded to Cynthia Mullins for her jewel-tone work Blue, White, Aubergine and Amber, whose captivating and lusciously rendered flower petals appear to burst from the painting’s surface," Lisa Hayes Willams, Curatorial Asistant at the New Britain Museum of American Art.
Awarded 2nd Prize for "Blue, White, Aubergine and Amber," (part of "On the Verge Series") an oil over sealed watercolor at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists 40th Annual Juried Show. Juried by Lisa Hayes Williams, Curatorial Assistant at the New Britain Museum of Art. September 2017
Story in, "Second Exhibition in Healing Arts Launched," with images of three contemporary floral oil paintings. (*note- picture has been flattened so pieces are not sized correctly)
A release by the National Association of Women Artists about the show (Cynthia Mullins co-curator), "Expressive Women of NAWA."
A Path, oil on sealed paper, 8 x 12 inches, will be published in February, 2017 in Balanced Rock, The North Salem Review of Art, Photography and Literature, published by the Ruth Keeler Memorial Library. The Visual Arts Editor is Constance Sullivan, who has produced widely-acclaimed books on art and photography for major publishers including, "Landscapes of the Civil War" (Alfred A. Knopf), "Women Photographers" (Harry N. Abrams), and "Photographers at Work" (Smithsonian Institution Press).
Ridgefield Arts Council 2016 Behind the Scenes Award for work in the arts at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists.

I will be speaking at a Walk and Talk at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists, Ridgefield, CT on Sunday, May 1, 2016 from 3 - 5 pm about my work at the 6th Annual Juried Members Show. (there will be 4-5 artists speaking)

Awarded Best in Show for a group of paintings, Big Orange, Red in the Garden and Ascending at Spectrum, Natural Inspiration 2016 at the Carriage Barn Arts Center, CT. Juried by Gabriel de Guzman of Wave Hill Public Garden, Bronx, NY. April 2016
-Pictures and Article in People section of the Ridgefield Press, 4/28/2016
-Link to short article from the Ridgefield Press about the Ridgefield High School show at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists.
-Short talk on the Process of Landscape at the Generator, Ridgefield, CT 6/22/15
-Accepted into the National Association of Women Artists, NYC March 2015

-Two paintings on the Book Cover of "The Merritt Parkway, The Road that Shaped a Region," by Laurie Heiss and Jill Smyth published by History Press, 2014.
"Exit 46" a pastel and "Through the Woods," an oil.
-Westport News, "Westport Library to Hold Merritt Parkway exhibits, program, 4/25/2013
-Bookmark made by the Westport, CT library with two Merritt Parkway paintings.

-The Danbury News Times, "Merritt Parkway's 75th Anniversary Celebrated with Art," June 30th, 2013
-Ridgefield Press, Wilton Bulletin, New Canaan Advertiser, Wilton Bulletin, The Redding Pilot, The Lewisboro Ledger
"Art of the Parkway, the Merritt inspires Cindi Mullins"
Front page w/inside story with photos, Arts and Leisure April 26, 2012
-The Minute Man News Center
"Merritt Parkway-paintings by Cindi Mullins"
April 1, 2012
-The Norwalk Patch, Art & Entertainment
"Collaborations," featured artist
Lockwood-Mathews Mansion, Norwalk, CT
-Greenwich Post, Ridgefield Press, New Canaan Advertiser
April 14, 2011
Front page of Arts and Leisure Section
Photo and caption for "The Skies Above"
-Greenwich Post, Ridgefield Press, New Canaan Advertiser, May 2010
Front page photo on Arts and Leisure Section with article interior
for show "Expressions"
-Ridgefield Press (CT) Nov. 19, 2009
Stepping Out, The Gift of Art Show
at The Paul Gervais Gallery, Ridgefield
-Ridgefield Press (CT) Sept. 18, 2008
"31st Juried Exhibition to open Sunday at Guild"
-Ridgefield Press March 27th, 2008
front page photo and caption
"Ridgefield Treetop View", by Ridgefield Artist
Cindi Mullins. "Ridgefield Schoolhouse" photo on
page 3.
-Ridgefield Magazine May 2008 issue
photograph of "Ridgefield Treetop View"